Monday, January 18, 2010

The Fix is in-Obama blames Bush in rallying support for Dem Candidate in Massachusetts!

Obama is at it again! Facing falling levels of support on his agenda, unable to point to one single accomplishment other than creating one of the largest deficits in recent history, increasing the debt levels to unsustainable levels, suppressing the value of the dollar, reversing the trend in an improving balance of trade, and losing the momentum in the economic recovery, all in matter of one yea. How does he respond? The same way he did during his two year campaign for the presidency, BLAME ON GEORGE BUSH!

When Americans voted Obama in, they were expecting change. Most of us were hoping for change in the better, not in the worse. We all had such grand "HOPE" and "BELIEF" in his Siren call for Change. No more business as usual. No more lobbyitis. No more dependence on partisan politics. Indeed, he called for the end of partisanism and encouraged the rise of bipartisanism in solving many of the problems left by the disastrous economic slump.

Not long into his presidency we witnessed a transforming event. Within weeks, bipartisan hopes were out the window. A $750 plus billion "bailout" in the guise of a "stimulus" program coined "TARP" provided the monetary muscle to nationalize a major portion of the Auto industry, effectively nationalize the banking system, take over the largest Insurance company in America. and send money to their favorite liberal causes.

Curiously, the overwhelming majority of the stimulus program would not be distributed for effect on the economy for over two years. What was doled out was the same ill-conceived stimulus program proved time and again to be ineffective as a stimulus, a rebate to American workers, a stimulus that again proved to be useless in moving the needle of the economic recession. Blame it on Bush.

Favors for the Unions were pushed by his eunuchs in the Congressional leadership. In the first 100 days in office, all that happened was a economic hangover. All the talk about change you can believe in was nothing more than "believe in my agenda, or else".

Without skipping a beat, Obama sold shares to public interest groups in order to move on his health reform package, but he let his eunuchs in the Congressional Leadership write the initial framework for the health reform bills. It was like letting the fox out to guard the chicken coop. The liberals had a hay-day pushing everything that more sensible Congresses had thrown out, in spite of majorities in Congress. It was there best chance to get government control of health care and hand it to the union bosses. No Republican input! Blame it on Bush.

The climate package past by the House over the objection of the Republicans ran into a Senate that begin to recognize that with health and Climate change on the agenda and a restive public, Democrat and Republican alike concerned with the growing debt and deficits and the awareness that our political class was out of step with Mainstreet, passage of these favored bills would be at the peril of member of Congress. Mainstreet, by a wide margin, views the two top priorities for the political class as JOBS and DEFICIT REDUCTION, not HEALTH REFORM and CLIMATE CHANGE/CAP AND TRADE. Blame it on Bush!

Undeterred, Obama continues to push Health Reform, selling reform to the highest bidding lobbyist or special interest in return for support. He has taken Medicare reform off the table and sold it to the American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, the the Medical Insurance lobbyists. He took cost control off the table by cutting deals with those same organiztions and doling out goodies to the States, exempting the costs of the growth of Medicaid to a few select and crucial voters. No cut meant higher costs. Instead of reducing or making premiums affordable, he raised the costs to the many for the benefit of the few uninsured and charged the taxpayers. He bought the Union for a five year exemption in paying the excise tax on their highly lucrative health insurance plans, leaving the tab to all other insured , including businesses and their emplyees. 12 million people exempted from paying $60 million due to plans that would be considered high value. The 12 million includes none other than employees of local, state and federal government. The same group that, while the vast majority of middle class employees have seen little to no increase in their pay, if not actually lost ground, received above inflation-rate pay increases pushing their average pay to in excess of $70,000 per annum, well above the average pay of the middle class. Blame it on Bush

Compounding the pay rate for governmental employees is the unsustainable rise in the number of government employees. Big government has arrived with a vengeance like a good case of "Montezuma's Revenge" for the indiscriminate traveler, sampling anything they like regardless of hazard. Blame it on Bush!

So now, the public has been sending to the political class a clear message. Virginia did. Dodd retired becuse he could not win his seat again after decades in the Senate. Grogan woke up and found he was trailing in the polls, his solution, as with most cowards, quit. Men of principles, quitting when it got tough. There ego could not suffer the humiliation of a defeat. Blame it on Bush.

Which brings us up to today, in Massachusetts. A Republican is challenging, and has the lead, for His Highnesses Sacred Liberal Senate Seat, most recently held by the late Teddy Kennedy. We should take note, this is a referrendum on the Obama Agenda. The White House, and Obama, must agree with this assessment. The political bosses of Obama have dispatched him to "Speechify" and lull the voters of Massachusetts to the Siren call again, rallying the troops as he did during his two year march to the White House. Using the similar call to action, he pleads for support for his agenda by claiming that this vote will be the difference in achieving the long-sought after health reform, climate change, and, oh by the way, the long sought right of union organizing without the required democratic process we all enjoy, freedom of a vote yeah or nay. And to whom did he attribute all the problems of the country, the world, and his falling polls? You got it, BUSH! He is having to fix all the things that did not get done during the last 8 years in one year.

Now that is leadership we can believe in. That is the kind of leadership that children in the playground can be overhead saying trying to duck blame.

Listen up America, take back the country. Throw the bums out now. What we need is real reform, real change, real leadership. When you vote, Massachusetts, forget about Democrat vs Republican, vote for the person who represents real change that will give you jobs, reduce debt, and move away from ideology and demagoguery and elect someone who will not increase the deficit, but reduce it; who will not choke economic recovery with growth in government and punitive regulation, someone who will not spend us into bankruptcy "stimulating" the economy.
And, once he is elected, hold his feet to the fire. If he does not perform, throw him out. It is up to the voters to hold the politcal class accountble, letting them know that they have job security only if the listen to the voters. They are not free agents in Washington, they work for you and the district, state, and country you live in. They work for you. Fire them when they do not perform, do not just accept the crumbs off the table, take the table way.

Massachusetts, you have that chance tomorrow. We will all have that chance in November, and again in 2012. Do It NOW and FOREVER.

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