Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Healthcare reform, you say! The only reform in ObamaCare is the reform school. That’s where Obama, his assistants, and the Merry Band of thieves in Congress belong, along side all the other liberal con-artists, swindlers, and liars.
One of the greatest swindles in American history is about to take place on Sunday when Congress opens up our mouths and shoves a bad bill to reform health care down our throats using bribery, intimidation, trickery, and maneuvers that surely would not be upheld as constitutional.The outcome confiscates our money, deprives us of our freedoms, but saddles the taxpayers of America, today and forever, with yet another entitlement that will balloon with time just as every Washington pushed entitlement has done since the New Deal. More importantly, it is being shoved down our throats by the representatives we sent to Washington to represent our views.
Our very American way of life, gone in a blur of trick maneuvers to avoid a vote on a bill that no one but the Congressmen and the White House know its content and bought by the Democratic leadership and Obama with bribes and goodies (and a good amount of extortion and intimidation) to the Congressmen who have been wavering.
Who are these weasels? The Hall of Shame includes:
Ben Nelson-Nebraska Senator (D)-a place of honor in the rostrum for his assistance in passing the Senate version exempting, at a great cost to taxpayers, Nebraska from the Medicaid cost increases al other states will experience by extending Medicaid to uninsured residents at the higher income threshold in the ObamaCare plan.
Mary Landrieu-Louisiana Senator (D)-another bribe reciepent for voting with Obamaafter securing a modest multi-billion funding for Louisiana for her constituents. Et tu Mississippi.
Dennis Kucinich-House member-Ohio(D)-not to miss the party, Dennis voted no before agreeing to vote yes. Remember John Kerry? Originally opposed to the bil because it did not contain a "public option", he found his way with some help by his tutor, Obama, on a ride on the White House private jet (Air Force One). Like the corporate bankers scorned for the use of corporate jets, Dennis must have felt at the top of the world until landing time and he had to make a decision. Do you suppose they opened the emergency door prior to landing to coax Dennis towards the right decision. Dennis, though, is an expert at screwing up health issues in Cleveland, must feel he has a grasp of the issues and before jumping agreed that a public option is on the horizon.
Nancy Pelosi-Speaker of the House-California (D)-In spite of public opinion against the health reform plan of Obama and the democratic congress, Nancy daily reminds us-Nancy Knows Best. She has pushed the bill forward against the will of the country, asserting that we must pass the bill so the American public can find out what is in the bill. She has commanded that we will like it once we see it and experience it. Go Bless Nancy! It is good to have a mother so out of touch with her children. Perhaps she whispered in Dennis's ear, next watch me cram single payer down everyones throat. Well, tell Nancy where she can shove it!
Harry Reid-Senate Majority Leader-Nevada(D)- Harry must have heard
the pleas of Dennis during the arm twisting on Air Force One. No
than directly after Dennis's announcement that, in spite of no "public option"
he confessed that he undertood that this was only the first step. Harry
announced that there will be a vote on the public option in the near future.
the pleas of Dennis during the arm twisting on Air Force One. No
than directly after Dennis's announcement that, in spite of no "public option"
he confessed that he undertood that this was only the first step. Harry
announced that there will be a vote on the public option in the near future.
John Boccieri-House member-Ohio (D)- he voted gainst the bill before he voted for it. His excuse-he is now happy that the deficit will be reduced and that the bill will cover an extensive number of his constituents. John, the new bill mirrors most of the coverage and deficit issues about the same. So what changed? Did you get some pork for your district. If not-loser!
Bart Gordon-House member-Tennessee (D)-Sad Bart! He only got $100 million for his state of Tennessee. His vote must not have been valued very high. Imagine, though, he wanted some money for the state to help pay rural hospitals and health providers to care for the poor people. Hey, Bart, didn't the health reform promise to cover the poor and uninsured at taxpayers expense with subsidized premiums or even free coverage with the increase in income levels to be eligible for Medicaid ? Aren't these hospitals and providers going to get paid since these people will now be covered by health insurance? Congratulations American taxpayers, we get to pay twice so that Obama could secure Barts vote. Our hats are of to you Bart!
People of America, wake up to what is going on with this reform carnival. Remember the financial crisis.Bankers, investors, fund managers all accused of grave financial misdeeds. Transactions were obscured, the biggest crime often boiled own to a crime of not providing accurate information to their investors. Why should our politicians be held to a lower standard than we hold our business community and financial community to.
What is the difference between Obama and Madoff? Not much! The both swindle Americans out of their nest egg, only Obama defers the pain to some generations years away-our children and grand children. Why? Obama wants a down payment on a future single payor system run by the same people who run our postal service, Medicare, and Social Security so well!
They both commit serious fraud with deceptive practices. Only Madoff did it for profit, Obama does it to save his ego and his presidency. It is his way or no way-pure ideology.
Can you imagine a president of the USA violating the constitution, bribing congressmen for votes (pay to play), using accounting that, if the US were a publically-traded company, rather than a government of the peopl, the accounting would be deemed a misstatement of accounts and a material misrepresentation, subject to sanctions by the SEC and oversight by the DOJ. Simply bribery rising to RICO charges would follow and the President would join Madoff and Jeffery Skillman in jail. But, this is the US and our politicians are immune from such charges in the conduct of their work. But, you get the point.
In a future publication on this blog we will attempt to outline the misrepresentations our president has made from the campaign trail to today with respect to health care reform. You will have heard most of them. What is important is to realize that our Con Man in Chief has kept us in the dark, manipulated the information, misrepresented his position and the bills before Congress and has ignored the will of the majority to start over. He is not listening to America, he must be listening to someone else. Whoever it is, does not represent me and the majority of Americans who say that we are not on the right track and that the health reform is not well thought out, too expensive, and fails to address the rising costs of health services.
Flood the White House with your calls in opposition. Blast e-mail every proponent in Congress with your views. Let them know you will get you revenge in November. Work to elect people who will repeal this bad bill. If you value your freedom and want a better future for America with lower deficits and reduced debt, let them know you intend to elect people who will not pass bills that do not withstand the scrutiny of the public and that do not reduce deficits and reduce the debt without resorting to the Congressional Budget gimmickry. Take back America, Now!