Sunday, February 14, 2010

Promises, Promises-Obama makes um, Obama breaks um!

And it came to past, so said Obama, the campaigner! Or did it?

Obama proves it again, he is a great campaigner, but a lousy governor. Why would Obama, the campaigner, make such hollow promises. Not a single promise has been met! Does he believe in what he says? Does he have that much contempt for the average American that he thinks he could get away with it? Did he know that such talk would hit a Populist note and activate the electorate?

Maybe it is a bit of all these reasons. The promises reflect ideas that were popular with average Americans. He let Pandora out of the box. The ideas were so popular that average Americans are pursuing these ideas of a kind of good government they want. Obama promised, but did not deliver. Americans are now looking for people who they can elect to office who will deliver.

That is the essence of the Tea Party Conventions so derided by the liberals, including Obama. The Tea Bagging liberals want you to believe that the Tea Party movement is a fringe, radical element of the right. But the Tea Party movement has activated the populist notion of good government against a string of Obama broken promises. It has brought millions of Americans onto the street. Liberal media pundits claim these are angry people hectoring an Administration who put people first.

Nobody is buying their arguments. Judging by the elections results in Massachusetts, Virgina, and New Jersey, and the latest poll numbers for Barbara Boxer in California, the voters are not buying the swaggering Obama and his band of faeries. The wind of the voters have stirred the Furies.

We will see, soon, who is right. The ones who promise, or the ones who deliver. I'll but on the ones who deliver.

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